반응형 predatorpreyinteraction2 흰개미와 그 병사들의 독특한 방어 메커니즘 The Unique Defense Mechanisms of Termites and their Soldiers (흰개미와 그 병사들의 독특한 방어 메커니즘) Termites are known for their incredible ability to build complex structures that are integral to their survival. However, what is less well known is the unique defense mechanisms that they have evolved to protect themselves from predators. These defenses are so effective that termites have been able to survive.. 2023. 4. 6. 일부 딱정벌레와 개미에 대한 화학 스프레이의 효과 The effectiveness of chemical sprays in some beetles and ants (일부 딱정벌레와 개미에 대한 화학 스프레이의 효과) Insects have developed a variety of defenses to protect themselves from predators. One of the most effective and widely used defense mechanisms is the use of chemical sprays. Many beetles and ants are known to produce and use chemical sprays to deter or repel predators. These chemical sprays can be used a.. 2023. 4. 4. 이전 1 다음 반응형