반응형 Chemistry2 고대 연금술과 화학의 발전에서 곤충의 역할 The Role of Insects in the Development of Ancient Alchemy and Chemistry (고대 연금술과 화학의 발전에서 곤충의 역할) Alchemy and chemistry have come a long way since their inception in ancient times. The practices and knowledge of these fields have been passed down through the generations, constantly evolving and improving. But did you know that insects played a crucial role in the development of alchemy and chemi.. 2023. 4. 11. 폴 에를리히: 화학 생태학의 선구자 Paul Ehrlich: The Pioneer of Chemical Ecology (폴 에를리히: 화학 생태학의 선구자) Introduction(서론) Paul Ehrlich was born in Strehlen, Germany in 1854. He was a prolific scientist who made significant contributions to the fields of immunology, hematology, and chemotherapy. However, he is perhaps best known for his pioneering work in chemical ecology, which explored the role of chemical communication in the int.. 2023. 3. 28. 이전 1 다음 반응형